Mike and Dave need laughs

A motley crew in search of laughs.

Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (MA 15+)
Starring: Zac Efron, Adam DeVine, Anna Kendrick

A FRIEND described this as puerile … without having seen it.
She’s got good taste, that woman.
Mike and Dave are your average knockabout drunken idiots (think Dumb and Dumber with booze) who have consistently wrecked the lives of everyone around them, while themselves suffering not a scratch.
In an attempt to not ruin their sister’s Hawaiian wedding, the motley duo has to find some “nice girls“ to take on the interstate date.
Enter the trashy one whose name I can’t remember from Dirty Grandpa, and a woman who looks much like Anna Kendrick … because, puzzlingly, she is Anna Kendrick.
There’s a career that’s clearly going places.
So the scene is set for a teenage raunch comedy in which the girls are expected to deliver, but clearly have no intent of delivering … you get the idea.
Much hilarity, laughs and hijinks do not ensue.
Did the idea have potential? Certainly, no-one seems to pull their gross-out punches.
Kendrick is ditzy and weird: Efron is occasionally OK but nowhere near what he’s capable of, and Adam DeVine shamelessly over-acts.
The time will drag, and – Yoda would say – laugh you will not.
– Jason Beck