Get the message Viv

THANK you for alerting the community about a potential high fire hazard on Cardinia Beaconhills Golf Links land along McArthur Road, Viv Hyland.
Your inaccurate comments reported in three lettesr to this newspaper have shown your credibility creeps lower and lower with each view point.
The Cardinia Beaconhills Golf Links has always maintained an extremely high standard of community fire protection and continues to do so.
Mr Hyland, you must have been putting pen to paper at the same time (around late afternoon on Friday 18 December) as the golf club was slashing an area of 50 to 60 metres wide by one kilometre long opposite your home to protect you.
Mr Hyland, people in Upper Beaconsfield are sick and tired of your false and inaccurate information.
You do not attend community meetings, council meetings or even CFA fire preparedness information meetings to know true facts.
You were absent at all VCAT hearings you refer to, so do not speak on behalf of residents living in the Upper Beaconsfield community. You are not the township spokesperson.
You might be wrongly trying to represent the golf club. You are not their champion Mr Hyland.
L. H Watson,
Former resident,