Unfair go, John

I HAVE read over many years the various thoughts expressed by readers on a wide variety of interesting topics.
The letter from John Rodda (Gazette, 31 July) was probably the most shameful piece I have ever seen written, indicating a complete lack of compassion for our fellow neighbours.
To target Russell Broadbent as he did in his diatribe, Rodda indicates a complete lack of understanding of the courageous and sensitive actions displayed by Broadbent over many years.
He has been willing to cross the floor on matters of principle, when the majority of colleagues from both sides of the House in our Parliament seem more interested in point-scoring than solving a most difficult problem addressing our nation.
Having been in a congregation only days before where John Rodda led the prayer of those present praying “for all boundaries split by political boundaries, war or natural disasters and for those who have no home – especially our refugees”, points me to a person of the most hypocritical kind.
He leaves no room for even one genuine human in need of help and understanding with his four ‘questions’.
Surely even bigotted and compassionless Rodda knows that the majority of refugees who have been processed here have been found to be classified as genuine, lawful and legitimately seeking relief from oppression.
Recalling the story of the Good Samaritan, I hope that if I am ever the one in need and “lying injured on the roadside” it is Russell Broadbent who comes upon me.
Ron Carroll,