The right climate to re-think priorities

ONE advantage of the global economic crisis is that it forces us to re-evaluate what is really important.
The realisation that we can do without many of the imported, useless gadgets and “plastic crap” is continuing to have a negative impact on our economy but at the same time, our planet can really do with a break from the impacts of rampant consumption.
We now have an opportunity to encourage alternative, sustainable economies, support local business and reduce our environmental footprint.
With climate change also upon us, we know that we must address our addiction to fossil fuels, and now know that clean coal is an oxymoron.
Ports around the world are experiencing a massive decline in international trade, and amongst other industries, many car manufacturers are closing their doors.
Despite all of this, the State Government just gave the Port of Hastings Corporation a staggering $20 million to continue with “further studies” for its massive container/coal/car trade port expansion, to support the business as usual that we all know is crumbling in around our ears.
Surely this is a gross misuse of taxpayers’ funds, particularly as this $20 million gift is not part of an Environmental Effects Statement (EES), which would at least have to meet the legal ministerial requirements including community consultation and transparent process.
Is this handout really born out of environmental concern, or is it nothing but a handout to a developer to ensure that the vested interests are being looked after?
Catherine Manning,
Southern Victoria
Community Action Group.