Give this triage a try

24 Hours In Emergency
SBS One, Wednesdays, 8.30pm

STEP inside one of Britain’s busiest emergency departments … and into one of the best medical documentaries on mainstream television.
24 Hours In Emergency is one of the finest British shows and one of the most drama-filled, exciting docos.
It follows the stories of those unfortunate enough to land themselves in some hot water, one way or another.
Like the tagline for the show, we are all one step, slip-up or unlucky break away from an emergency situation.
Week to week, there are patients who have been hit by cars cycling to work, children burnt dancing near fireplaces and babies turning blue, fighting for life.
There is nothing more powerful than watching some of the best ED doctors, nurses and staff working to save the life of someone’s wife, brother, baby girl or best friend.
It’s also fascinating when they follow up with those who have survived and their families, for an insight into how they are faring a few months on from their accident.
Sometimes it’s almost hard to believe that the stories are real, they are just so incredible.
It’s a package deal – there’s also an insight into the nurses, doctors, wardens, anyone who has something to do with the patients.
24 Hours in Emergency is like watching the best soap opera – there’s humour (mainly from the drunken antics of some of those who end up in the ED) as well as plenty of tears, prayers and happy endings.
It’s the sort of show that flies under the radar but it’s so addictive. There’s nothing like it.
– Danielle Galvin