Burger tide turns

HERE is a beauty! The anti-McDonald’s people in Tecoma are showing their true colours by blocking anyone form posting to their Facebook page who has a view contrary to their own! This whole Tecoma thing ceased being about Macca’s a long time ago and the real issue is about the lack of democracy when dealing with planning issues in the state of Victoria. They know that, but they continue to carry on in the same vein while in the meantime other town businesses are dying.
Instead of being seen as the heroes that I once used to think they had the right to claim, they are now being seen as a laughing stock by most in the Dandenong’s community including their own postcode because they cannot differentiate between the anti-Macca’s issue that they started with and the lack of democracy issue that this whole thing has morphed into! So to the “anti-Macca’s crusaders of Tecoma” I ask this.
Do you think that if you re-did your “Tecoma-wide” door knock to find out what the community really thinks would you still be able to claim that the community is 90 per cent behind you, not wanting Macca’s, and your stance against the company? (By the way, I have many friends that live in Tecoma and not one of them had a visit from your doorknockers!)
The other question I would like to ask the “anti-Macca’s crusaders of Tecoma” if you are so committed to “democracy” why did you remove my post the other day and have now blocked me from posting to your Facebook page? It seems that you are of the opinion that only some people have the the right of free speech in our community!
Just to refresh your memory, your post was about the upcoming meeting on the issue at Tecoma Primary School, and I asked you to show some respect to any people who turned up who held a view contrary to yours and to let them be “democratically” be heard without any nastiness.
The best way to get people on-side, although you are now clearly continuing to fight a “lost battle” is to show them respect.
Signed by a one-time supporter, who turned to an “ambivalent onlooker” to an “over it all” facebooker!
Steve Holmes,
Menzies Creek.