Singing for strings

Keith Lim from Clayton. 97674

A COLE Clark guitar is up for grabs as part of the open mic competition at the Emerald FunFest on Suday 6 April.
The Now Listen Here Open Mic Comp is on again at the Emerald FunFest, Sunday 6 April, for entrants under 30 to perform two songs to compete for the first prize of a Cole Clark guitar.
Cole Clark Guitars, Fun Fest sponsors, are passionate about supporting up-and-coming talent in the area and providing an avenue for local youth talent to be showcased.
The aim is for young people to have a voice on the committee and in the running and promotion of the event, which was first developed following a number of youth suicides in the community and fatalities.
There will be many other things for young people do at the festival and it runs from 10am to 4pm.
For entry forms and more information, visit
This is the first event to kick off the Pave Festival activities.