They’re an inspiration

Great things are afoot in our little community – gold stars should be liberally thrown about.
A fantastic Pakenham Show followed by an equally fabulous Yakkerboo Festival. Applause!
Then, according to our council’s Derek Madden, a small insignificant group of unhappy people were deemed to deserve a response from those up high on the hill.
I wish we could have sound in the newspapers as Derek’s lovely Irish lilt makes a certain Airline’s CEO sound lame.
Congratulations Action Andy McNabb! A knighthood can’t be far away.
Speaking of which, a hearty ‘well done’ to Dame Kate as well, all alone on her trusty steed Art!
For surely it must be she who is responsible for the magnificent Mondrian Cube on our glorious five star railway station, a wonderful start to the Cardinia Shire art collection. More applause!
Am looking forward to the next inspirational activities with great anticipation.
Kirsten Hansen,