Staving off stage fright early

Owen made a very convincing, excitable kangaroo. 131494_09 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


A CHILDCARE centre in Berwick dazzled an audience of proud parents with a stellar Christmas performance last month.
Children aged three to five from Somers Early Learning Centre took to the stage dressed as Santa, angels, fairies and presents for The Littlest Christmas Tree performance.
“The thunderous applause indicated that their amazed families were thrilled by the children’s ability to follow directions, remember a plot, speak confidently and overcome nerves to put on a wonderful show,” an early learning spokesperson said.
“These amazing young children delivered their special Christmas messages into the microphone as if they had been born to be on stage.”
The performance was pulled off by the centre’s Kangaroo class after hours of rehearsals and fine-tuning.
“After practising and practising on stage the children counted the sleeps until it was their turn to dazzle their audience,” the spokesperson said.
Spreading Christmas cheer was the main aim of the performance, but youngsters left with a new found and enthusiasm for drama on the stage.
Somers Early Learning Centre forms part of the St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School educational group.