Give like they gave

AS AUSTRALIA prepares to commemorate the landing of the first Anzac troops at Gallipoli 100 years ago, we ask that you also remember the work of Red Cross by supporting Red Cross Calling during March.
Just like the thousands of Red Cross volunteers who worked so hard to support our Anzac troops in 1915, Red Cross volunteers still continue to care for those who need it most.
By making a donation or organising an event for Red Cross Calling during March, you can support the everyday work of Red Cross such as making daily phone calls to elderly Australians living alone; provide breakfast for children who might otherwise go to school hungry, or make sure our near neighbours have access to safe drinking water.
In years to come, many people will continue to turn to Red Cross for help in times of crisis and we’re determined to be there when they do.
Red Cross Calling is the one time of year when local Red Cross members, community groups, schools and individuals can all work together to raise money for Red Cross through local fund-raising events.
To make a donation, or to find out how you can get involved with Red Cross Calling go to our website at or phone 1800 008 831.
Toni Aslett,
Executive Director VIC
Australian Red Cross.