Fresh hands for Peter Pan

Wendy and Tinker Bell.


CARDINIA Youth Theatre will bring the magical world of Neverland to the stage with Peter Pan.
With a red carpet immediately in front of the stage, children in the audience will be encouraged to sing and dance at the front.
During the show, there will also be opportunities for the kids to interact with the cast on stage.
“There comes a time when the pirates need more crew members and children in the audience will be invited to get up on the stage and demonstrate their best ‘Argghhrr’ and pirate impersonation,” director Warwick Loveless said.
“There are some terrific kids in the cast and the vast majority are from the Cardinia area. It’s awesome to see how much they’ve stepped up. It’s a first-time show for more than half the cast.
“The kids have learnt to be more self-reliant, to work as a team and other life skills for the future. It’s a great program.”
Mr Loveless will also star as the antagonist Captain Hook and there will be a special cameo appearance by Cardinia Shire councillor Graeme Moore who will star as the crocodile.
The adaptation will include six original songs from Donna and Peter Dowler’s script including Hook’s Plan of the Century, Clap Your Hands for Tinker Bell and Peter Pan’s song about learning to fly.
“The youngest cast member is six years old and Peter Pan will be played by a girl in her late teens as per the traditional story,” Mr Loveless said.
“We have simple but colourful sets and terrific costuming.
“The production is most suitable for children aged 14 and under but there are some lines in the script specifically designed to give the parents a little bit of a giggle.
“We strongly encourage residents to come along and support these kids who have been working so hard.”
Peter Pan will be on show at 11am and 2pm on Tuesday 28 June, 2pm and 7pm on Wednesday 29 June, and 11am and 2pm on Thursday 30 June at Outlook Community Theatre.