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Know when to fold ’em

The Papercraft Events team is excited to bring From Picture to Page and Beyond - Papercrafts and Scrapbooking show back to the Cardinia Cultural...

Whole range or wholesome foods

WHOLESOME Wholefoods is a family run business in the heart of Tooradin. It offers a wide variety of bulk foods which includes organic, flours,...

Make some money on the side

COME one, come all new stallholders to Gembrook Market. The market committee is offering new stallholders and others who may have not been for more...

Kebab-ble on screen

Kebab Kings Wednesdays, 8.30pm, SBS IT HAS long been a joke that late at night after a night on the town there is nothing better than...

Still a hearty meal

By TANIA PHILLIPS Kitchen Cabinet, ABC TV, Wednesday, 8pm THIS really is the little show that could - just when you think that there wouldn’t be anything...

Mock United Nations

AS PART of an academic enrichment program, Year 11 students Daanyal Saeed and Travers Ebert represented Berwick Grammer School on behalf of Casey Rotary...

Poetic eyes on winter words

By DANI ROTHWELL THE Garfield Picture Theatre will play host to the Bush Poets Arvo, as part of the Friends of Garfield Incorporated’s Garfield Heritage...

Open for new opportunities

A NEW school with state-of-the-art facilities and a chance to be part of something new - that’s what St Clare’s at Officer offers. Opening at...

Smaller Christian school

LAKESIDE College Pakenham offers a quality Christian education in a smaller school environment. Principal David Spike said the college had a strong emphasis on academic...

St Paul’s, a top regional college

WHY is St Paul’s the school of choice for Gippsland families. At St Paul’s Anglican Grammar School, learning is about more than just what takes...

Valour recipients

SAFFRON Grove Retirement Village residents Reginald Tokely and Maxwell Alwyn Llewelyn are the latest recipients of the Quilts of Valour. Quilts of Valour is an...

New retirement model

How much will you pay in retirement village fees? Is this the retirement model of the future? Deferred management fee, entry fee, capital gain fee and...


School, stamps and sausage rolls

DAVE: Good morning boys, what a beautiful weekend for sport with the sun shining bright but the early mornings and late afternoons are certainly...