Seven’s cheap little video nasty

Catherine picks out her dress.

Australia’s Cheapest Weddings
Streaming via Channel 7

WHAT a nasty, nasty little piece of work this one is.
Perhaps the aim was bright and breezy – and perhaps it was all about helping people a bit short of cash to still have the day of their dreams.
But it sure doesn’t feel that way.
What it feels like is a show that sneers at the little people – if by little people you mean people who don’t have much money.
President-elect Trump would not approve.
It is remarkable how much these canny savers can reduce wedding costs – and to this bloke’s eyes, a $168 dress from China looks every bit the goods compared to a $2000 home-grown organza extravaganza.
Perhaps the recipe for a happy life is to focus on the contents, more than the packaging.
To be charitable, maybe those behind this show were seeking a sort of triumph of the human spirit over adversity.
But in the end, it’s literally cheap and nasty.
The result is more reminiscent of Seven’s dive into the gutter in the dark days of “Kiss Bang Love” – which was mostly false advertising on at least two of the words in its title.
After a scant few episodes in prime time on Channel 7, it’s now been banished to the backblocks, if not only online.
Rumour has it that it made just three episodes on air – sadly and inexplicably, I think I saw every one.
Kerry Stokes, you are a wise, wise man indeed.
– Jason Beck