Farming knowledge needed

The survey is seeking input, both positive and negative, from farmers and land managers across Victoria.

By Danielle Kutchel

Farmers and land managers are invited to have their say on regenerative agriculture as part of new research out of Deakin University.

PhD student Annemaree Docking is investigating regenerative agriculture systems and their potential for supporting greater environmental outcomes and more climate resilient farms and communities.

She has put together a short survey that is open to farmers across Victoria, and is seeking opinions both positive and negative.

The Regenerative Agriculture and Climate Resilience project aims to understand what regenerative agriculture is and what potential opportunities it may bring, and will look to support businesses to make informed land management decisions to improve climate resilience and to make use of their local competitive advantages.

The survey is the first stage of the project and is open to all farmers and agricultural practitioners across Victoria – not just those who currently use regenerative practises.

The study is being undertaken as an industry partnership between the City of Whittlesea and Deakin University’s Centre for Regional and Rural Futures, with the summary results to be shared at Cardinia Shire on Tuesday 24 March.

“We need many many voices, from all agricultural commodity opinions, and your on-farm regional knowledge. Whether you own the farm, lease, manage, share or are retired farmers, we need your input. You say is valuable to current and future farming,” said Cardinia Food Circles facilitator Lisa Brassington.

The survey closes on Friday 31 January and can be accessed at