The cookbook that will save your life

Ben MacDonald was 49 when he had a stroke. Photo: SUPPLIED

By Hugh Pearson

A Drouin man has completely changed his lifestyle after he nearly died prematurely.

Ben MacDonald, who turns 50 this December, had his stroke in May.

“My left wrist started aching, it was as if I had been overusing it. The next day I started bumping into things. I went to Warragul Hospital to be checked out and was transferred to Monash once they realised I’d had a stroke,” Mr MacDonald said.

Mr MacDonald said his stroke was mild and since May he has lost some coordination in his left hand and experiences fatigue.

Throughout his recovery, Mr MacDonald has been compiling his favourite healthy recipes for his new cookbook.

“I’ve always cooked but I’ve never enjoyed it but I’ve had to improve it,” Mr MacDonald said.

“I would throw a few snags in the pan or I’d chuck some mince on and make some bolognese but that had to change, so I started trying a few different things and I’m down 14 kilos now.”

Mr MacDonald said he initially lost 11 kilograms all from changing his diet.

He then lost another three kilograms after he started walking regularly and seeing a dietitian.

Since his stroke, he has been advocating for people to know the signs of stroke and what they can do to make a stroke more preventable.

“Learn the signs of stroke, the FAST system,” Mr MacDonald said.

Second, get off your butt and get moving, it doesn’t have to be hard exercise just move and eat better.”

“Go visit your GP and go get your cholesterol checked and don’t sit down all the time.”

Mr MacDonald is one of 7000 Victorians to experience a stroke in 2022.

Stroke Foundation executive director of marketing John De Rango said Mr MacDonald’s story highlights the need for more people to get regular check-ups with their doctor.

“We know 80 per cent of strokes are preventable through diet and exercise, and it’s great to see that Ben has made these positive changes,” Mr De Rango said.

“Research shows 48 percent of strokes could be prevented if high blood pressure alone was eliminated. Get your blood pressure checked at your local pharmacy or ask you GP for health check, it could save your life.”