The Last Post: a pipe dream

Chris McKenna from the Berwick RSL with piper David McNamara. 137565_05

WE will file this one in the category of ‘you learn something new every day’.
Those who fronted at Berwick Cemetery on Saturday for the dedication of a new headstone for former Upper Beaconsfield resident Brigadier General Cecil Henry Foott found out that you can’t play the Last Post on bagpipes.
MC Chris McKenna, who did a wonderful job putting the ceremony together, read a moving introductory speech, then after sub-branch secretary George Nicolson read The Ode, he then asked Pakenham-based piper David McNamara from the Rats of Tobruk Pipe Band for The Last Post.
“Not on this you won’t,” the piper smiled. “It’s not possible.”
Never mind, the ceremony went along as planned and the bagpipe rendition of Advance Australia Fair went beautifully.
To read more about Brig Gen Foott’s dedication ceremony, turn to page 7.