Uncle taken too soon

Barbara Leeson and brother-in-law Colin Leeson with the tree and plaque dedicated to their Uncle Claude. 135775_39

ONE of the 40 trees that now line Rossiter Road in Kooweerup’s new Avenue of Honour hit home for Colin Leeson and his sister-in-law Barbara.
Laying at the western end of the tribute was a plaque acknowledging their Uncle Claude Leeson, a farm labourer from Yannathan who was killed in action in Belgium on 18 October 1917.
They brought along a scrapbook detailing significant moments of his short life.
His enlistment papers declared he was 18 years and three months when he signed up, but the family knows he was a lot younger.
“He was actually only 16 or 17,” Colin said. “Like a lot back then, he lied about his age so he could go.”
Claude’s brother Alfred Leeson – Colin and Peter’s father – also served. He joined the 4th Australian Light Horse and was involved in the famous Charge of Beersheba at Gaza in October 1917.
“Dad used to tell us there was nothing brave about the charge,” Colin recalled. “He said the Turks were poisoning the water supply and they had to charge to get to water. They would have only lasted another day.”
Asked what they thought of the new Avenue of Honour, both Colin and Barbara agreed it was: “Just marvellous”.