Dunking fun has no bounds

Jack Mitchell didn't hesitate when it was his turn to be perched precariously above the dunk tank at the Pakenham Show. 151948 Picture: RUSSELL BENNETT


JACK Mitchell’s was the most audible laugh when Cardinia Shire councillor George Blenkhorn was dumped, covered in an unsightly concoction of flower and barbecue sauce, into a tank full of green water at PB Ronald Reserve on Saturday.
“Are you right there, councillor?” he bellowed.
Mr Mitchell, 78, laughed the loudest from the gallery outside the Pakenham Library and Hall complex because he knew his turn was yet to come. He savoured the moment, and that’s exactly what Saturday’s show was about for so many people.
He hadn’t been to the show since it left the old Pakenham racecourse three years ago. This time of the year is when he and his wife traditionally go to their timeshare property at Broadbeach.
“Janette (Young) has been asking me to come down to the show for years but we just haven’t been here,” he said.
Mr Mitchell was openly scared his seven-year-old grandson Hamish would throw the ball to dump him in the tank, but secretly he would have loved it.
“What a show, and what a venue!” he said after his turn in the tank, a towel draped around his neck.
“This is ever so much better than the racecourse, really.
“It’s right in town – it’s brilliant.
“It’s just a brilliant community event.”
“One of the best things about the show is how many people from the community get involved.
“We seriously have missed the show because we haven’t been here.”
But Mr Mitchell – who has been involved in the 4Cs and the Cardinia Foundation, and ran the Lakeside residents group – wouldn’t miss another one for quids any time soon.