Three…facts about Meatloaf

Three facts about American singer, Meatloaf. 265883. Picture: GETTY IMAGES

1: People around the world came to know Michael Aday as Meatloaf after he released his first single in …. Mr Aday, born Marvin before officially changing his name in 2001, told Oprah in 2016 that he was described by his father, Orvis, as looking like a meatloaf when he was born bright red, and the nickname has stuck ever since.

2: Despite the stage name, Meatloaf was vegetarian for a large portion of his life. After being served a rabbit with its head still on, he refused to eat it and went vegetarian from 1981 until 1992, including meat in his diet thereafter for health reasons. In 2020, he went vegan for January as part of a British annual challenge, Veganuary, run each year to promote veganism. He resisted calls to change his stage name to Vegloaf.

3: One of Meatloaf’s biggest hits, Bat out of Hell, sold over 43 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best selling albums of all time. It still sells 200 000 copies per year.