Land sale disputed in court

By Danny Buttler
FORMER Pakenham MP and Kennett-era planning minister Robert Maclellan is at the centre of a $100 million claim over a Pakenham land sale.
Landowner Candibon Pty Ltd is suing present Planning Minister Justin Madden, as the responsible authority, over a 1998 land deal that saw the government buy two square kilometres of prime real estate.
Candibon has told the Supreme Court that it sold the land for $1.2 million after then planning minister Maclellan assured the company that the land would never be rezoned for industrial or residential purposes.
The land was rezoned and is now the home of the South-East Business Park.
The company claims the land is now worth more than $102 million.
When contacted by the Gazette, Mr Maclellan said he could not comment on the case.
“I would think it highly improper,” he said. “I really wouldn’t wish to comment outside the court.”
Mr Maclellan said he had not yet been subpoenaed.
“I would, however, expect to be,” he said.
Candibon could not be contacted for comment.