Keep gifts on track with top 10 shopping tips

The Christmas countdown is in full swing, and Quantum Market Research has prepared top 10 tips to survive shopping during the silly season. Managing director Imogen Randell said a little planning will help reduce stress levels during what should be an enjoyable time with loved ones.
“Consumer confidence is extremely rocky and job security is a big concern, so our finances are one of the major factors causing stress this Christmas,” she said.
“Working out your budget early and sticking to it is going to help you breathe a little easier.”
Quantum Market Research’s social trend tracker, AustraliaSCAN, revealed that 64 per cent of people said that writing a shopping list was a must.
“Don’t let the Gruen transfer get the better of you – that moment when you forget why you went to the shopping centre in the first place and begin buying impulsively.
“Lists are a must and will help you take control of the Christmas gift shop.”
Imogen’s top 10 tips to stress less this Christmas:
1. Set a total budget and stick to it
2. Allocate an amount to everyone on your list
3. Write down your gift ideas for every person
4. Search online for each present to find the best price
5. Work out which shops you need to visit and incorporate them into your weekly schedule
6. Before visiting each shop, ring ahead to check on availability (right colour, size, etc)
7. Allocate a day for the ‘mop up’ shopping
8. Wherever you can, get the shop assistant to wrap the gift. There’s nothing worse than having to wrap presents after a few drinks on Christmas Eve.
9. Have a good hiding spot in the house if you’ve got prying children
10. Take a moment to relax and enjoy the spirit of Christmas giving.