Sophie’s cycle of charity

Sophie Weston holds her bike aloft after an 800 kilometre ride from Canberra to Melbourne. 97379 Picture: SUPPLIED


PITTING herself against the road, St Margaret’s School student Sophie Weston undertook a gruelling 800 kilometre ride from Canberra to Melbourne to test her mettle and raise funds for charity.
The 17-year-old cycling champion from Menzies Creek left Canberra’s Parliament House Tuesday morning and jumped off the bike at Melbourne’s Federation Square on Sunday afternoon.
When her feet hit solid ground on Sunday, she had rode for over 40 hours across five days to earn her Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
“I had seen other people take on similar journeys and thought that would be really amazing as I really love cycling,” Sophie said.
“It was so amazing – probably some of the really good things were seeing different parts of Australia – riding along to see such amazing scenery – big farms and cool stuff as you’re riding along.
“As I was riding along, it was good to think about what I was doing and it was really cool to know what I was doing – was out there achieving something.”
Not only did she tick off the kilometres to earn the Award, she had raised over $3000 so far for the Love Your Sister charity – raising funds for breast cancer awareness.
“I thought – because I’m doing such a big trip – I thought I’d do some fund-raising as well and do something good with my time,” she said.
On the last morning of her trip, Sophie was greeted with 40 riders from St Margaret’s School/Berwick Grammar School and Casey Cardinia HPV Club to ride the last 50 kilometres together.
“That was definitely my favourite part – it was great to see so many people turn up – especially after training,” Sophie said.
“All the support along the way – they were encouraging me up the big hill and kept me going and it was fantastic to ride with them.”
Sophie wanted to thank the support her family gave her to get through the journey, Terry Trevena and everyone who joined her on the final leg to Federation Square.
As she finished the gruelling challenge, Sophie couldn’t believe it was over and was ready for some time off the bike.
“It was like I hadn’t even done it – it was surreal – I didn’t realise what I had achieved,” she said.
“It was a good feeling knowing all that work and fund-raising had paid off, and I’m looking forward to some good food and a nice long sleep in my own bed.”
More information about Love Your Sister can be found on the foundation’s website at