Park upgrade for safety

Cardinia Shire Mayor Brett Owen, urban designer Jaime Parsons, Bass MP Ken Smith, senior strategic planner Belinda Powell at the announcement of the upgrade to Pakenham's Bourke Park. 99368 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


A DELAPIDATED Bourke Park will receive a $250,000 upgrade in the hope that the “undesirables” who frequent the spot will be pushed out.
On Monday morning, Cardinia Shire councillors joined Victoria Police, Bass MP Ken Smith and council staff to announce the revamp of the park opposite the railway station.
Councillors Kate Lempriere and Jodie Owen campaigned for an upgrade at the park as part of their election promises.
“Jodie Owen and I really gave this a big push,” Cr Lempriere said, acknowledging the work of the other Central Ward councillors.
“This will be a community park rather than just a place of transport.”
Cr Lempriere said the park had been looking “revolting” and she was thrilled with the announcement. Cr Owen thanked the strategic planners at council who worked hard on the grant application.
Mr Smith said the funding would go towards providing new toilets, parks and gardens to “open it up” and make a safe, community place.
“The upgrading of Bourke Park completes total safety design strategy for public transport users and will benefit families with a new playground and public toilets,” Mr Smith said.
“People committed to fitness will enjoy the addition of paths and lighting and the installation of tables, chairs and shelters will promote a year round usable park in the heart of Pakenham.”
Mayor Brett Owen said he was looking forward to seeing one of the entrances to town improved.
“This is going to be fantastic – making this a much more attractive place,” he said.
Crime Prevention Minister Edward O’Donohue said the funding was part of the State Government’s Public Safety Infrastructure Fund (PSIF).
“Local people are best placed to come up with local solutions for crime problems in their communities, and this latest initiative in Cardinia Shire is a great example of that,” he said.
The announcement followed the introduction of Protective Services Officers (PSOs) at the station opposite the park.
Mr Smith said the funding and the PSOs would improve the overall safety in the area.