Pirate excitement overcomes centre

Ava listens with wonder to a story read by Beaconsfield Primary School Principal Gary Methven. Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS. 100782 (MAIN PIC PLEASE)

THURSDAY morning was one filled with excitement for children at Beaconhill Drive Childcare Centre.
But this week the regular visit from Grade 6 students at Beaconsfield Primary School took on a pirate twist.
To celebrate numeracy week for the primary school students and Australian childcare week for the children, Beaconsfield Primary School principal Gary Methven also joined the party.
Jo Sorensen, Beaconhill Drive Childcare Centre manager, said it was something the children looked forward to each week.
“We had a pirate theme for an hour and we were very lucky that Mr Methven came with his guitar and the children put on a little play for us,” she said.
“It is quite exciting for the children.”
The partnership between the childcare centre and school is allowing interaction with children of different ages and allowing the younger children to start experiencing ’big school’.