It’s illegal

MANY years ago all the states-colonies had constitutions which varied and eventually the states got together and formed one federal constitution which all states-colonies had to abide by.
This constitution belongs to the Australian people and neither the Queen, Prime Minster, Governor-General, or Parliament, can alter this.
The only way the Constitution can be altered is with a referendum.
Rule 28 states that parliament terms are for three years or less, no longer.
The Victorian Parliament with a stroke of a pen gave themselves four-year terms without a referendum.
Victoria Parliament is I believe illegal if the Victorian Parliament is allowed to get away with this.
Why not give themselves 10-year terms, 20 years. Why not a dictatorship?
What’s the point of having a constitution? And what’s the point of having a Victorian Governor-General if he allows the Victorian Government to do this.
Rule 109 states the federal constitution overrules all the others. And it is illegal for politicians to have legislation beneficial to themselves.
They have done this by giving themselves four-year terms.
Barry Harris,