Rotary boss an ideas man

New president of Casey Rotary Trevor Westland congratulated outgoing president Harry Hutchinson on a job well done. 122886_03


NEW Casey Rotary president Trevor Westland has stepped into the role with a mind full of ideas.
On Monday 23 July, the new president was inducted and said he was excited for the year ahead and hoped to engage in projects with other Rotary clubs and encouraged members to attend other Rotary groups meetings if they could.
Outgoing president Harry Hutchinson reflected on a great year behind him and said his term flew past.
“It went very quickly and I really enjoyed it,” he said.
Mr Hutchinson mentioned the uniqueness of the group, with more female members than men and said there were plenty of friendships around the club too.
“We are an engaging group and there is plenty of time for friendships as well,” he said.
In the past year, the Rotary club has assisted groups such as the Hampton Park Uniting Church, Riding for the Disabled, Insight, Relay for Life, Kimbe and more.
They also had a raffle at the changeover on Monday to raise money for an unwell member.
Members of the group also spent countless hours removing badges from old police uniforms as one of their projects this year.
The annual golf tournament organised by John McGreal was a huge success again and the group hoped for it to be bigger next year.
The new and old president presented flowers to Mr Hutchinson’s wife, Anne, as well as members Robyn Tabone and Vanessa Dupuy for their organisation and dedication.
Mr Westland thanked Ms Hutchinson for letting people trample through her house during any hour of the day, and for keeping hundreds of books safe in her home.
Mr Westland said he was told when you stepped into the role as president of as club to look for things to improve, but he said it was hard to find any.
“We can make a big difference in the next two years,” he said.
District Governor Tim Moore also presented a certificate to guests which the Rotary group received on behalf of district 9820 for the most new members.