Wick has a short fuse


John Wick (MA)
Starring: Keanu Reeves, Willem Dafoe

IT’S the action flick that starts out like a country and western song.
John Wick’s wife is dead and his car is stole and his dog is … well, dead too.
But this video nasty is about as far from wholesome country and western as can be imagined.
Keanu Reeves takes the lead role, that of an ex-hitman trying to live the quiet life in his fancy home, fancy car and sharp suits.
But that wouldn’t make much of a movie, so enter the son of a crime lord who steals John Wick’s car, and – far more seriously – kills his new dog.
You just know there’s gonna be a hurtin’ … and so there is.
After a dozen black-clad gentlemen pop ’round to John Wick’s place that night, he’s shortly after phoning the “cleaner” and ordering “dinner for 12”.
Not bad, Keanu.
It’s been a long time between drinks for Keanu, but at a very spry 50(!) he’s back in the game.
The central feature of the film is Keanu’s beautifully choreographed violence – especially with the handgun.
Whether it’s a case of the stuntmen who took such a prominent role in the film’s production, or just plain old Keanu putting in the hard work, it’s a pleasure to see.
A slick, dark, stylish action film, John Wick delivers precisely as promised.
– Jason Beck