All hail hurdler Tasha

Tasha Mitchell took out third place in the Under-12/13 girls’ 80 meter hurdles at the Athletics State Championships last month. 129745 Picture: GARY SISSONS


“WATCH out Sally Pearson, Bunyip Primary School has its own hurdling star in the making.”
The school’s sport’s coordinator Mrs Robinson was overcome with pride when young talent Tasha Mitchell won a state medal in hurdling earlier this month.
“Yesterday (Tuesday, 28 October) marked the day of the Athletics State Championships in Melbourne.
The best young athletes from around the state all met to compete in one final event,” said Mrs Robinson.
“Tasha Mitchell had gone to the State Championships (School Sport Victoria) to show how hard work, both at lunchtimes and Saturday Little Athletics, can pay off.
“After the long wait between her heat and final, Tasha took the opportunity to give it her all and ended up placing third in the state for the Under-12/13 girls 80m hurdles.”
Bad weather made the challenge more difficult, but Tasha was determined to compete rain, hail or shine.
“The rain had been pouring the night before and storms threatened to cancel the day, however, in Melbourne weather style, the sun made an appearance for all events to go ahead with only a short delay,” the sports coordinator told.
Mrs Robinson said the whole school is thrilled for Tasha who has all the makings of an elite athlete.
“From everyone at Bunyip Primary School, we would like to congratulate Tasha on her fantastic achievement!” Mrs Robinson said.