Scales of attraction

Katelyn and Annabella with Billy. 131237 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


A PAKENHAM mum has described the family’s blue-tongue lizard as “the main attraction” for guests visiting their pet-friendly home.
“When people find out we have a blue-tongue lizard in the house, they head straight down to Billy’s enclosure and pick him up or just watch him,” she said.
Billy is the much-loved scaly companion of seven-year-old Annabella and her five-year-old sister Katelyn, who love letting the fast-moving reptile scuttle up and down their bodies.
“He crawls up and down the girls’ back and neck and tickles them,” their mother said.
“We have a photo of Billy sitting on Annabella’s head as she was trying to do her homework.
“He just crawled up her back and onto her head and sat there with his tail running down her neck as she was working away.”
The family, which got Billy in April of this year, said the lizard grew an average of four centimetres per month and is a brother to the pet lizard at Lakeside Children’s Centre where Katelyn attends.
“My daughter’s always wanted a lizard … they love to hold him and give him a cuddle,” the mum said.
“He is already 43 centimetres long … he is growing so fast.”
Along with Billy, the family have two dogs, a shih tzu terrier and a German shepherd, as well as three fish.