Agistment spells high care

Lisa and Gavin McMaster of Briarwood agistment farm, with one of their thoroughbred clients. 131293

Briarwood Farm at Cora Lynn, which is owned and managed by Lisa and Gavin McMaster, attracted many Women on Farm West Gippsland members to their November farm visit.
Horses are a perennial favourite.
With many well-known race horse trainers sending their prize stock to the farm for spelling, this agistment property has to meet high standards of knowledge and care. Just how the horses are handled, fed, monitored and kept in good health was what members keenly learned from the McMasters.
Briarwood Farm was previously a dairy farm.
In 2007, when purchased by the McMasters, it started a transition to a 100 acre horse facility.
The changeover entailed the construction of sturdy and secure mesh fences to meet the challenges of high-spirited horses.
There are 60 paddocks of varying sizes with improved pasture providing excellent grazing.
There is a twice daily feeding program which is tailored to the specific needs of each horse, with premium quality feed and hay used.
Apart from the feed-out routine, the care of the horses and the property entails rugging, regular monitoring, fence and laneway maintenance, weed control and attending to visits from trainers, vets, farriers and owners.
The McMasters have chosen to do all the work themselves, loving the lifestyle and the contact with their well-bred four-legged clients.
Some breeding and racing supplements the farm income, as well as provision of special care for pregnant mares sent to foal down on the property.
With thoroughbreds coming off the track for a spell, there are other horses needing a break during their preliminary training or when their behaviour indicates that they are going sour.
The McMasters were barraged with numerous questions about horse care and racing.
In the background it was evident that the horses were enjoying their spacious paddocks, good grazing and freedom from the intensive regime of track work.
A usual spelling break would be from six to eight weeks.
Women of all ages are welcome to join Women on Farms.
The key criterion is an interest in farming and farming women.
There is no need to be actively farming to participate.
For more details contact secretary Jean Irvine on 0429 488 156 or visit for the monthly program.