Kate’s tough call

Kate Marten lives in Pakenham but has strong ties to Bunyip.


LABOR candidate for Narracan Kate Marten is facing a tough assignment to claim the seat off sitting member Gary Blackwood, who holds an imposing 16 per cent margin. It’s also been made harder by her own decision to run so late in the game. She told BEN CAMERON if she had her time again she would have announced her candidacy a lot earlier.

Have you found it daunting coming up against a bloke who’s had the seat for close to a decade?
It’s quite challenging going up against Gary with a such a perceived safe Liberal seat with a 16 per cent swing required. It’s been really challenging but on a positive level I’ve had great feedback from the community. The community has been so united around the need and want for a new hospital (in Warragul), it’s given me something to really advocate for and really hassle people about. It’s a whole new world (being in politics).

The hospital is obviously big news for the eastern areas of Cardinia Shire?
With the growth we’re seeing (it will be). Waiting lists are an issue. It’s going to have a big impact. 1100 babies expected there in this financial year, they’re going to need the room.

Education is a big issue also, have you spoken to many schools about their wants and needs?
I haven’t been contacted by any schools in particular. All schools need assistance at the moment. I just started leave this week, so next week I plan to get out to quite a few schools and see exactly what it is they’re after.

So you’ve had to juggle campaigning with full-time work?
I’ve just taken two weeks annual leave. So instead of spending time away with my family and kids, I’m fairly committed and showing the party and the community that this is something I’m really passionate about.

If you had your time again would you have perhaps taken more time off before the election?
If money was not an object, definitely. But I’m a normal mum with two kids and a husband and bills to pay. If I had my time again I’d make sure I was announced a lot earlier than I was. So I could get out there, from months out. Some of the candidates are announced at the start of the year so I was announced at the start of September I think. I would change that.

Why such a delay?
Partially it was me making a decision whether it was something I thought was best for my family. And my leap into politics is only new, that’s probably the only reason there was a delay, it was me making sure between when I was approached and when I actually said yes, it was only a few weeks, but it was still me making a decision that was best for my future and the community.

Are there any other local issues that have popped up recently?
Public transport for Bunyip and Garfield, the hold-up with the railway line, is a big issue. I’ve been contacted by a few different sporting clubs in Bunyip especially (about upgrades to facilities).

Are you across the current situation with a possible quarry in North Bunyip?
I’ve made a lot of inquiries about that. I will definitely advocating for an Environmental Effects Statement. But at this stage there’s no planning application, I’ve found it difficult to find out much more information. I understand the frustrations and concerns, some people have spoken to me about silica which can become an issue in the air, and with endangered species.

Could Gary Blackwood have done more to facilitate discussions between the land owner Hanson and the residents?
They (the government) could have, but without having that application in … it’s quite difficult to tackle at the moment.