Police target racists

Casey Inspector Paul Breen. 132712_01


IN the wake of the devastating siege that unfolded in Sydney this week, local commander and Casey inspector Paul Breen has a powerful message to offer his local community.
With the safety of the City of Casey at the forefront, Insp Breen has promoted the fact that local police will have a higher presence in the community and zero tolerance for racial vilification upon any individual.
“In light of the events which have recently occurred in Sydney, I want to ensure that Victoria Police, specifically within this municipality, will perform high visibility patrols in and around major public areas,” he said.
“Victoria police do not condone racism in any way, shape or form and if any member of the community feels as though they have been racially targeted or victimised, they are to call police immediately for assistance.
“Every resident of Casey has the right to feel safe and secure on their community.”
Insp Breen said police would make a “concerted effort” to assist community groups in breaking down barriers, and has urged anyone to report incidents of racial victimisation or criminality.
“As a local commander, I want to ensure residents that any incidents of this type will be taken seriously and investigated and met with the full force of the law,” he said.
Insp Breen admitted that, while there was a heightened security threat, this should not give an excuse to any members of the community to target law abiding citizens practicing their religious beliefs.
“It is imperative that we all understand that no matter what our religious beliefs are, that we are in this together when it comes to the safety and well being of us all,” he said.
“Look after and respect each other’s differences and maintain a sense of calm.”
The police officer added that it is their role to “investigate and prosecute criminal activity” and demanded that no individuals take the law into their own hands.
“The Victoria Police are a reflection of the community, and we live in one of the most multicultural municipalities in Victoria – which we should be proud of,” he said.
“My intention and direction to all police members is that we will do all that we can in the law to ensure the community of Casey can go about their business in a safe and secure environment.”
“In light of these events, any issues of concern should be reported to triple zero for police assistance.”
Insp Breen also encouraged other community leaders to help spearhead this movement.
“It’s my view also that the safety of the community isn’t just a police issue,“ he said.
“Community leaders must also lead the community which they live in, and promote safety and lead by example,” he said.
“We are in it together.”