Top music fare

Matthew Quick's paintings, which focus on environmental themes, form the basis of the workshop.


THEATRICAL students at St Margaret’s School in Berwick are counting down the days until a visit by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.
The highly acclaimed performers will have a live show at the school on Wednesday 11 March for their first Up Close and Musical concert for the year as well as provide performance workshops alongside Melbourne-based composer Katy Abbott.
Ms Abbott will present her new work Introduce Species which focuses on the impact human interference can have on music which is designed to form part of the VCE curriculum for music studies.
St Margaret School’s director of Music Christine Cochrane said the event was a must-see.
“I have been to many of these concerts and they are very informative, enjoyable and are great for all students,” she said.
“VCE students get a particular buzz from meeting and talking to a real composer. All students gain a greater understanding of music through listening and hearing the piece being analysed and then hearing how they fit into the finished product.”
Ms Abbott’s work is inspired by artist Matthew Quick’s paintings which are discussed during the workshop alongside talks about the environment.
The school is one of three across the state which will host the musical event.
Student tickets cost $10. Teachers free.
For information or tickets, contact Lucy Bardoel at