Grand art on show

Local artist Barbara Stocks is delighted the show will go on.


THE Cardinia Grand Art Exhibition is back on, thanks to the hard work of two Cardinia Shire heavy hitters.
There had been serious concerns for the exhibition’s future after the Dandenong RSL withdrew $5000 in sponsorship in recent weeks.
However, event organiser Calvin Bell said council chief executive officer Garry McQuillan and Central Ward councillor Kate Lempriere had helped secure sponsorship from some “fine community-minded group of businesses”.
“Under the absolute passion for visual arts by Cr Lempriere and Garry McQuillan they have secured sponsorships,” he said.
“Without support from these fine community people the exhibition would not be able to proceed.
“The exhibition is not a fund-raising event and is organised by hobby artists for the community to enjoy.
(It is) an amazing cultural event that will enrich the lives of the community as well as putting Cardinia on the art map of Victoria.
“We are excited that the exhibition has been secured … we will do Cardinia proud.”
The exhibition, organised by Provenance Artists and billed as one of the state’s premium art events and the largest regional artshow, will return to the Cardinia Cultural Centre From 6 – 9 March.
Artists will come from all corners of the country to exhibit their works
“This is the second time that a premium art event is coming to Cardinia,” he said.
“Patrons will see the latest brilliant traditional paintings right through to incredible abstract and avant garde works.”
Last year, art was valued from $55 through to $34,000.
Entries close on 18 February.
The exhibition runs from Friday 6 March to Monday 9 March, 10am to 5pm. Entry is $5.
The grand opening will be held on Thursday 5 March from 7pm. Entry is $15.
More information at