It’s dry and it’s fast

Garfield golfer, 72-year-old Doug Eastick (left), recently scored 49 stableford points while 84-year-old Laurie Begg (right) scored 51 points in March 1997. 134351 Picture: CONTRIBUTED


WITH the course really drying out now, low scores are required to match the high handicappers who have a real advantage with the tarmac like fairway conditions. On Saturday a score of 65 or better was required just to get a ball down the line.
This week the club has another member into the 59 club as Michael Anthony shot an 89 (59 nett) to take out the February monthly medal, one-stroke clear of Stephen Payne whose score of 60 would usually be more than enough to win most medals.
Both Terry Garratt and Peter McNeish had great days also with Terry shooting 66 nett off his handicap of eight which also included an eagle two on the par-four twelfth hole to continue his recent consistency. Peter, also playing off a handicap of eight, had two birdies and an eagle three on the par-five first hole.
Daniel Kelly also had a fine round of 63 nett to win the B-Grade event.
On Thursday Trevor Shingler scored 42 stableford points to win whilst Bob Calderara had 41 points to win Division 1.
Members are advised that the drain running along the right-hand side of the seventh fairway is now out of bounds with the perimeter clearly marked with pegs.
For Top Gun qualification a new minimum score of 42 points is now required.
Life Member Gwen Vitiritti declared the ladies’ 2015 season open over lunch during the week with Rhonda Knee and Cheryl Lewis welcomed back to the club whilst new member Liz Whelan was made most welcome. All ladies are reminded that the annual club challenge against Drouin is on 17 February at the Drouin course.
Monthly Medal Stroke (field 97): A Grade T. Garratt (8) 66. B Grade D. Kelly (20) 63. C Grade and Monthly Medal M. Anthony (30) 59. Scratch G. McKillop 70.
DTL: S. Payne (22) 60, P. Lazarus (27) 61, P. Fedorenko (22) 62, R. Norton (27) 62, A. Cunningham (30) 63, D. Payne (23) 63, M. Matthews (22) 63, D. Lawler (15)63, T. Booth (36) 64, D. Peacock (21) 65.
NTP: M. Neylan 4th, J. Blair 8th, S. Khut 9th/14th, P. Bogart 11th, N Regnier 16th.
Birdies (Par 3): 12 Scored with doubles to N. Regnier and P. McNeish.
Eagles: P. McNeish 1st, T. Garratt 12th.
Ladies: D. Pilkington (27) 68.
Raffle: D. Williams.
Ladies Single Stableford: 1st G. Franklin 39 points. 2nd V. Kelly 35 (3 way count-back).
Secret 9: H. Hockley 21 (3 way count-back).
NTP: H. Hockley 8th, D. Norton 11th, S. Standsfield 2nd-shot 16th, L. Vears gobbler.
Birdies: L. Mathews 6th, S. Standsfield 16th.
Summer Cup/Summer Eclectic: C. Craig.
Single Stableford (61 field): Division 1 B. Calderara (14) 41. Division 2 T. Shingler (34) 42.
DTL: P. Renehan (23) 40, N. Goldsworthy (25) 40, T. Franklin (13) 40, J. Van Zuylen (35) 39, R. Patching (30) 38, P. Tymensen (22) 38.
NTP: T. Male 4th/8th, P. Lazarus 9th, G. Needham 11th, P. Johnson 14th, M. Neylan 16th.
Secret Nine: T. Marsham.
Twilight Single Stableford: 1st P. Fedorenko (21) 21. 2nd D. Gelmi (22) 20.
DTL: P. Keysers (21) 19, W. Moroney (20) 19.
Lucky Draw ($82): S. Payne.
Single Stableford: Division 1 P. King (18) 40. Division 2 B. Flynn (31) 47.
DTL: R. Coates (23) 41, M. Atkins (14) 40, R. Taylor Snr (26) 40.
Next week is three-man ambrose guest day.