Season opener for ladies

Jenny Smith at left presents the Downtowner Cup runner-up trophy to Olive Reid at far right, with ladies’ captain Glenda Warren. 134258


TUESDAY was the opening day of the 2015 ladies’ golfing season with the finalists of the Summer Matchplay leading the field.
Leading the A Graders were Glenda Warren and Marg Rowe, and in a close match Glenda had a 2/1 win. B Graders were Sue Hatfield and Marion Devlin, with Marion winning 3/1.
The day event was stableford and it was great to see many players participating. The winner of A Grade was Beg Goodwin with 39 points from runner-up Kay Feaver with 34 points on a count-back. The winner of B Grade was Christa Maydom with 43 points from runner-up was Deb Daniel with 42 points. Down the line balls went to Ann Roberts 41 points, Meagan Ford 40 points, Viv Brereton 40 points, Audrey Farthing 38 points and Mary Mitcham 37 points on count-back. Nearest the pins went to Leanne Pollard on the 5th, Ann Roberts on the 8th and 10th, and Bev Goodwin picked up the pro pin of $28 on the 14th.
On Saturday, 31 January Wendy Hitchins had a win with +2 while Glenda Warren picked up the nearest the pin.
On Monday, 2 February the ladies had a lovely lunch at the Warragul Sporting and Social Club, where the weekly and overall winners of the Downtowner Summer Competition were announced. Our thanks to Jenny Smith and her team for their generous support of this event once again.
Round 1: A Grade W. Hitchins 38. B Grade F. Downward 41.
DTL: D. Daniel 39, S. Rippon 36.
Round 2. A Grade G. Warren 38. B Grade P. Alexander 44.
DTL: M. Gidley 40, L. Hoskins 40, F. Downward. 39c/b.
Round 3: A Grade B. Goodwin 37. B Grade R. O’Brien 38.
DTL: J. Dixon 37, G. Warren 36.
Round 4: A Grade K. Feaver 45, B Grade O. Reid 41c/b.
DTL: V. Campbell 41, M. Rowe 38, A. Farthing 38, J. Dixon 37c/b.
Round 5. A Grade L. Hoskins 40. B Grade O. Reid 46.
DTL: J. Bibby 40, M. Lyon 38, A. Smethurst 37c/b.
Round 6: A Grade G. Warren 37, B Grade F. Downward 41.
DTL: A. McGougin 40, J. Phillips 38, H. Moon 38, E. Manley 37c/b.
Round 7: A Grade J. Dixon 37c/b, B Grade J. Leys 40.
DTL: M. Purcell 37, V. Brereton 37, A. McGougin 37, E. Manley 36, M. Tymensen 36c/b.
The winner is determined by the best four rounds out of the possible seven to be played.
The winner for 2015 is Fay Downward with scores of 41, 39, 37 and 41 for a total of 158, from runner-up Olive Reid with rounds of 34, 41, 46 and 35 for a total of 156.
This week is the President’s Day kindly sponsored by Peg Hocking.