Exotic pest invades pines

Declared restricted area for the control of giant pine scale.


HARKAWAY has been declared a restriction area following the outbreak of an exotic insect which has infested close to 500 trees.
Giant pine scale, which feeds on the sap of pine, fir and spruce trees, was recently detected in Harkaway, Berwick, Emerald, Beaconsfield and Upper Beaconsfield which have all been put under strict controls as environmental workers race to contain the spread of the fast-moving insect.
The Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) issued a statement on 12 February notifying giant pine scale material, including host plants and materials, are not to be removed from the listed areas.
It includes plant roots, leaves, mulch, woodchips, soil and any equipment in contact with the host plant.
The restriction came just weeks after the department revealed 480 trees in Harkaway were infected with the insect which causes the tree severe dehydration and branch dieback which can lead to the eventual death of the tree.
“The majority of infested trees will be treated using an insecticide stem injection, which is highly suitable for urban areas. In some locations where chemical treatment is not feasible, trees may need to be removed,” read an update issued from the DEDJTR last week.
Yet Casey Council’s Natural Resource Management officer Brian Davey said the risk of further contamination in the Harkaway Reserve would be better managed by removing the infected trees as a first step measure.
The department began investigating the affected areas last week.
“Council’s viewpoint is to have them removed altogether,” he said citing the problem that would follow if the insect began infecting the softwood plantations.
White, cotton-like wax secretions are produced by the giant pine scale. The insect prefers the lower part of the tree, but can be found on branches in the canopy or on exposed roots.
Anyone who suspects their trees are affected by the insect or need a permit to move anything in the restricted area are advised to call the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881.
A restriction zone has also been set up in the Mt Waverly area.