Bright sparks put to test


A RECORD number of 200 students sat the academic scholarship test at St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar School on Saturday 7 February.
A total of 143 students sat the test in 2014 and registrar Lesley Billingham said the school had seen a considerable increase in enrolments over the past 10 years.
“Our academic program, facilities and grounds are one of the best in the region, and parents want to send their child/children to a school that still holds a small community feel,“ Ms Billingham said.
Academic Assessment Services managing director Robert Allwell flew from Sydney for the occasion, congratulating the school on its growth in scholarship applications.
“This is obviously a reflection of the growing reputations of both St Margaret’s and Berwick Grammar,“ Mr Allwell said.
The school offers academic, principal’s and music scholarships to successful students based on their results.
Students offered academic scholarships receive 50 per cent off tuition fees, while music scholarships come with 50 per cent off tuition fees as well as a 100 per cent reduction in music tuition fees.
The Victorian Department of Education (VDE) projected around 600 students would start Year 7 in the Cardinia Shire and 400 would return to study Year 12.
Total enrolments last year from the VDE found majority of students in the shire went to a government-funded school with 8652 enrolling in 2014, 3863 enrolling in an independent school and 2797 at Catholic schools around the shire.
It’s estimated about 2900 students from the Cardinia Shire will study at a secondary school in 2015 and 6000 will attend primary school.