Chips down for registration

Nine-year-old Kyanne with her dog Piper. 136735_01 Picture: ROB CAREW


FOUR-LEGGED pets across the shire are due for annual council registration.
All cats and dogs over the age of three months are to be registered by council before Friday 10 April.
This is a small price to pay for the assurance your pet will be returned to its home if picked up within the shire, says Compliance Services co-ordinator Shannon Maynard.
“The registration fee is a small price to pay to know council can bring your four-legged friend home if they ever get lost,” he said.
Last year, Cardinia Shire registered close to 19,000 cats and dogs.
Pakenham had the most registered at 7910 in 2014 and the oldest pet was 19 years old.
Mr Maynard said it was interesting to see which pet names were most popular across the shire during annual registrations.
“It’s interesting to see what residents name their pets. Clearly there are quite a few fans of the movie Milo and Otis; Cardinia Shire has 65 pets named Milo and four animals named Otis!”
All pets must be micro-chipped before they are registered. The owner of an unregistered dog or cat over the age of three months will risk receiving a fine from council.