Catholic kinder opens doors

Bishop Pat O’Regan and Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos unveiling the plaque.


THE first Catholic Early Learning Centre in the Diocese of Sale opened in Officer last week, catering for a heightened demand for kindergarten programs in the area.
Guests from as far as Sale came together to celebrate the opening of St Clare’s Early Learning Centre on Tuesday 21 April. The event involved prayer, speeches from guests, a performance from the children and then morning tea for those present.
The St Clare’s Early Learning Centre is located at the primary school, and will provide preschool education for 132 children in the four-year-old kindergarten program and 50 children in the three-year-old program.
The facility was opened last Tuesday by Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos, Bishop of Sale Patrick O’Regan and Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing.
Ms Mikakos said the $1.225 million centre was crucial in the ever-expanding Officer area.
“This fantastic upgrade has ensured more families with young children in Officer can access high quality kindergarten programs close to home,” she said.
“Building early years facilities on primary school sites is more convenient for families, and leads to better outcomes for kids.”
She also took the opportunity to encourage the Abbott Government to support 15 hours of kindergarten for children each week.
“15 hours of kindergarten makes a real difference to how children develop and grow, and to how they are at school,” she said.
“I urge the Federal Government to provide funding certainty to Victorian families, and ensure our kids can continue to access 15 hours of kindergarten beyond this year.”
Recently consecrated Bishop Patrick O’Regan acknowledged the hard work of many within the St Clare’s Parish to bring the plan to life.
“I wish to congratulate the parish on its vision in seeing this centre as part of the wider parish’s mission,” he said.
“It’s easy to have a vision where one might go, but to bring about that vision is another matter altogether.
“I think the parish team, and the school working collaboratively have done just that. Together, partnering with our State Government for funding, they’ve been able to realise this place today.”
He said he hoped the Catholic Early Learning Centre would be the first of many in the Sale Diocese.
Bishop O’Regan and Ms Mikakos also unveiled a plaque to commemorate the occasion.
Several of the centre’s first intake of children were present at the ceremony.
Also present were St Patrick’s Church parish priest Father Bernard Mahoney, MP for Bass Russell Broadbent, deputy director of Catholic Education at the Diocese of Sale Mr Paul Velten and ELC director Marg Driscoll.