Kitty’s sitting pretty

Tiffany and Scott Scanlon with their cuddly kitten Donnie 138460 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


THE Scanlons couldn’t have picked a cuter pet as their test-dummy baby.
Tiffany and Scott, who are the recent owners of the adorable Ragdoll kitten Donnie, have said the cheeky furball is getting them used to life caring for a dependent.
The “crazy” kitten, named after Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Donatello, came to the Pakenham pair little over a month ago.
He was born in Tiffany’s father-in-law’s home in Hampton Park.
She said he is very cheeky, but makes up for it with plenty of cuddles and affection.
“He’s a real cuddler. He has moments when he just wants to attack everything but he makes up with it with snuggles,” Ms Scanlon said.
No amount of expensive toys satisfy Donnie the way an empty box does, she laughed.
“If I open a package in the mail and the box is left on the floor, he gets straight into it and plays around.
“He also gets stuck in the blinds a lot.”
Tiffany and Scott were married at a park in Pakenham 18 months ago.
Tiffany said the pair may try to have children within the next two years.
“I think he’d make a good older brother,” she said.