Young Hawk blasts the cross

Youth is no barrier to Kayla Bashford making the under-17 state volleyball team. 140732 Picture: JARROD POTTER

MAKING an under-17 state-level team is an impressive achievement in its own right.
Doing it at 14 years of age however is phenomenal.
Berwick’s Kayla Bashford has been picked in the Volleyball Victoria (VV) Under-17 White indoor state team, set to head to the nation’s capital later this year to face off against Australia’s best-and-brightest.
Her selection as one of the side’s pass-hitters – doing a lot of back-court work and smashing in cross-court spikes – is even more outstanding considering she’s only a recent convert to the code.
She traded netballs for volleyballs, as Bashford is hooked on the speed and energy volleyball offers after watching her sister Ebony flourish in the sport.
“Volleyball is a lot more exciting,” Bashford said.
“When you’re on court everything is a lot more unexpected.
“Also started playing because my sister was playing volleyball – that was a big part of me picking it up as I saw how great it was.”
She plays in Berwick College’s renowned volleyball academy – and on the weekend features prominently in Eastside Hawks’ Volleyball Victoria Division-2 competition.
Her age didn’t matter for the selectors – even though she thought it might be a temporary buffer for now – but instead VV picked the young Hawk on her outstanding ability.
“I was pretty excited because I’m younger I thought they might choose all the older players, but it was really great when they picked me,” Bashford said.
“This is only my first year playing for a club – since Year 7 – two years – I’ve been playing for my school team, but this is my first year of club volleyball.”
Bashford has loved the opportunity to take her game to the next stage and is taking her opportunity seriously – strictly adhering to the fitness and training regime ahead of the championships.
“Just want to really try my best… try my hardest as well – not just slack off – and really keep fit as we have a fitness regime we have to do three times a week,” Bashford said.
She’s got a few months left to hone her talents with Eastside, which she loves for the atmosphere throughout the club.
“It’s really good,” Bashford said.
“I love my team and it makes it more fun when you’re on court as they work together instead of making it about themselves.”
Beach volleyball is the next aim for Berwick’s volleyball prodigy as she tries to keep her passion a yearlong pursuit.
She wanted to thank her parents, sister Ebony and her coaches for their support.
Bashford’s representative duties start in September at the 2015 Australian Junior Championships held in Canberra.