It’s a winter snap

Tracey Johnson's tap wasn't running.


PAKENHAM shivered through its coldest mornings this year.
With a temperature low of -2.06 on Monday 20 July, many residents found ice featuring on and around their properties.
And with a low of -1.7 on Sunday, dripping taps froze over and footy fields looked like a winter wonderland.
Needless to say, a lot of time was spent defrosting windshields.
Ice-covered Officer football ground thawed out in time for the games on Sunday.
Andrew Morris commented on the Gazette’s Facebook page and said he “thought it was a bit chilly this morning”.
Over the past month, the average minimum temperate has been 6.94 degrees.
The maximum temperature of 19 July was 13.5 degrees.
The photo coverage was provided by Facebook contributors.