Greedy ponies pay the price

Dean with Muffie, Hope and Lucky. 137463


MUFFIE Minipony and her mates Lucky and Hope are three ponies that bring joy to everyone they meet.
Muffie, the local celebrity, decided to engage Lucky in an eating competition of heavy bedding straw on Monday 10 August.
Dean Cowan, of Pakenham, their carer and self-proclaimed human servant, said it was typical of their breed.
“They’re very gluttonous by nature – even if they’re full, they eat!” he said.
But the issue is what they ate – the heaviness and coarseness caused major stomach issues for the pair.
Since Monday, they had a stomach ache, which became colic, and then became compaction.
Ultimately, they’ve been battling to keep their stomachs moving.
The care they’ve received is quite expensive and Dean is asking for the community who loves them to help them out.
“We’ve spent $2,500 on them this time,” he said.
“I know the community loves Muffie – I’m asked in the street how she’s going.
“Even the local bikie gang stopped by and checked up on her.”
As of Friday morning, their stomachs had begun moving again, but there’s still a while to go.
Lucky was particularly bad at one point, with euthanasia being put forward as an option.
“He was really bad, with no oxidised blood getting to his bowels,” Dean said.
“The options were $12,000 for surgery, euthanasia, or wait it out with pain relief and sedation.
“We’ve waited it out and he’s on his way back.”
Dean has plans on setting up the rescue business to be registered with the ATO, but until that’s done the way of helping out with their medical expenses is directly through South Eastern Equine Hospital.
Any financial help from the community is appreciated.
“Just want to say thank you for the unconditional support and kind words of our well-loved friend,” Dean said.
“Even the nurses know Muffie.
“She’s my little mate.”
To support Dean and the Pakenham ponies, the client number is: 66147, account name South Eastern Equine Hospital Proprietary Limited, BSB: 063 000, account number 1226 3152.
Otherwise, The South Eastern Equine Hospital can be contacted on (03) 8790 4922, quoting the client number: 66147.
Dean has asked that the community keep in mind the longer staff are on the phone, the less time they can spend with horses.
Dean will continue to update the community on the progress of the ponies through the Pakenham Pony Rescue (Not for Profit) Organisation Facebook group and asks the community does not question the hospital staff.