Take 10 with Matthew Guy

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy with Bass MP Brian Paynter on Thursday. 144107


State Opposition Leader Matthew Guy popped in to the Gazette offices in Pakenham on Thursday 10 September and answered a few questions …

What is something people don’t know about you?
I’m addicted to chocolate and drive a V8.

What has been the most memorable moment of your life?
The birth of my first son.

If you had to choose, what would your last meal on Earth be?
A six-pack of Melbourne Bitter and a bucket of KFC.

If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
The sinking of the Titanic.

What is your favourite television show?
River Monsters.

What is your favourite book?
Walking in Light by Kelvin Cruickshank.

You are hosting a dinner party and can invite six guests, dead or alive. Who would they be?
Brian Paynter, Robert Menzies, Jeff Kennett, Queen Victoria, Robert Muldoon and Leonid Brezhnev.

What has been your most embarrassing moment to date?
I went to a planning conference once and brought the wrong speech.

If you could live in a particular era, which would you choose?
The 1950s, because I’d like to see the kind of Australia that my dad grew up in. He tells me how good his childhood was – I’d like to see it.

What is the first or best concert you have ever attended?
Probably a Midnight Oil concert in about 1992.