It’s OK to say

Monash Berwick staff and students gathered to mark R U OK? Day.

R U OK? Day continued to bring the community together over an important issue on Thursday 10 September.
The premise of the day is that a conversation can change, or indeed save, a life.
Monash University Berwick marked the day for the fifth time through the campus being covered in yellow and the community being reminded to check in on themselves and those they care about.
“R U OK? Day means different things to different people,” Monash Union of Berwick Students president Dani Rothwell said.
“But, ultimately, it’s about showing those you care about that you do care and that you are there for them.
“Most importantly, if you decide to ask someone if they’re OK, you need to commit to listening to them and offering help.”
The campus offered free food, health checks and mental health information to staff and students along with R U OK? Day postcards.
The postcards are new this year and ask for people to thank someone who has helped them out when they needed it most.
“I think it’s important that we all recognise that it’s more than OK to not be OK,” Dani said.
“So we need to also be OK to admit we’re not OK.”
R U OK? Day is held annually and aligned with World Suicide Prevention Day 2015.
Anyone who is thinking about suicide can get help immediately from Lifeline on 13 11 14 or triple zero if life is in danger.