Our firies face fatal blaze

Interstate fire-fighters will travel to the devastated region in South Australia to help control the fatal blaze. Picture: Pakenham Fire Brigade


A PAKENHAM fire-fighter will travel interstate to fight the fierce fire which has claimed at least two lives in South Australia.
Pakenham Fire Brigade’s 4th Lieutenant Andrew Harris is one of 200 Victorian fire-fighters who left for the devastated bushfire zone in the Barossa region.
‘Harro’ will cross the border with other brave fire-fighters accompanied other members from Beaconsfield, Bunyip, Cockatoo, and Upper Beaconsfield units to attempt to bring the fatal blaze under control after it killed two people and injured others, including fire-fighters, on Wednesday 25 November.

The blaze reportedly destroyed at least 16 homes.
A statement from Pakenham CFA read: “Victoria acknowledges the loss of lives experienced in South Australia and our thoughts are with the South Australian community and fire and emergency services.”
“Stay safe Harro and crews.”
The cause of the fire remains unknown. Crime scene investigators will continue to examine that area today.