Fairies do their bit for cancer

The Cancer Busting Fairies at the 2015 Relay for Life. 150219_01


PAST participants of the Relay for Life will recognise the Cancer Busting Fairies.
They’re the team decked out in pink fairy wings, long socks and tutus; who bring immeasurable energy and positivity to the 18-hour event.
Now annual competitors, the team is made up of a group who met at a business networking event and wanted to do something to give back to the local community.
But this year, the Cancer Busting Fairies will be running for one of their own.
Former team captain Kerry Holland has been diagnosed with leukaemia and is undergoing treatment. Replacement captain Kelly Schroeder said the team would be participating this year in support of Kerry.
“It’s really been such a shock, but we’re going to support our captain and really get behind her and make it a great event,” Kelly said.
“Every year we see amazing enthusiasm from everyone on the team.”
The Cancer Busting Fairies usually field a team of about 26 members, and have already started the fund-raising process.