Portraits to perfection

Local artist Sue Robertson with her subject Graham Treloar, aka Uncle.

ARTISTS are invited to create portraits of Cardinia shire identities for the upcoming Yakkerboo Art Show.
Pakenham Portraits, a special category for the 40th anniversary event, is inviting artists to enter a portrait of a current or former local identity for the show at Pakenham Hall from 27 to 29 May.
Artists are asked to provide a photo and information about their subject.
President Jillian Ronald said those featured can be a local character, a well-known or quiet achiever.
“It is going to be very interesting to see who our local artists choose to paint.
“I have heard on the grapevine that we will have some well-known characters represented,” she said.
“It’s a nice way to reflect on the people about the shire.”
Sue Robertson, a local artist from the Toomuc Valley, has already selected her subject.
She said she will paint Graham Treloar, aka Uncle, who has been a part of Yakkerboo since the beginning.
“With Graham’s long-standing involvement in the community and a face filled with character I couldn’t resist painting him,” she said.
All art show entries are due by 13 May.
Special prize money has been allocated to this section.
The first place winner will score $600 while the second place winner will take out a $300 prize.
For details, contact Ms Ronald on artshow@yakkerboo.org.au or phone 0413 147 396.