Walk to heal the wounds

Lily, Madeline and Sasha volunteered to give out balloons and wrist bands. 158408 Picture: ROB CAREW

By Alana Mitchelson

COMMUNITIES banded together in Kooweerup on Sunday 11 September to shake the stigma of suicide and to honour loved ones.
Sisters Cathy McNulty from Kooweerup and Liz Shaw from Drouin suffered a family tragedy when they lost their brother to suicide three-and-a-half years ago.
As part of the grieving process they decided to remember their brother by holding an annual 2.5km walk called Out of the Shadows to raise awareness and collect donations for Lifeline.
Now in its third year, Ms Shaw said the walk is always an emotional one for those who have been touched by suicide.
“I had a lady come up to me in tears before she even got to the front table.
“It’s awful to see how many people have had their hearts ripped out by this kind of a tragedy. So many people are affected,” she said.
“Our brother is always at the back of our minds during the walk. It’s about taking a small snippet out of our busy lives to remember him.
“It’s all about taking away the stigma, to normalise something tragic so that it’s not such a taboo topic. Suicide has been a normal part if society forever.
“It’s important for the people left behind to know that they are not alone and there are so many places to reach out to for information and support.”
Ms McNulty said that while gold coin donations were collected during a sausage sizzle after the walk, fundraising came secondary to raising awareness.
“Everyone’s been touched in one way or another but no one really talks about it,” she said.
“The walk means a lot to us because we’re honouring the memory of our brother. We hope to continue it annually into the future.”
Ms McNulty said numerous local businesses and community groups including CFA and men’s shed had been very supportive.
The majority of the 200 participants took part in the full 2.5km walk on Sunday 11 September with some residents taking a 1km alternative route, all finishing at Cochrane Park.
Those in need of immediate assistance can phone Lifeline on 131 114.